My Sections

CP Trackers

Hello Penguins!

This Section has a bunch of trackers on famous penguins and a pin tracker. Unfortunately almost all trackers on the web are fake (You can tell if you look closely at the html. One example is if the source code to get the tracker in the source section has a picture such as .png or .jpg) so I have decided to give helpful info on how to find the penguin instead. Also, if we all work together we can find these penguins. Lately Clubpenguin has started giving meet-up times for your favorite mascots. The latest meetup is for AUNT ARCTIC in the Zootopia party. Go to this link for her meetup times: Aunt Arctic Meetup Times. You can start search parties using the comments. Just leave a comment saying who you've found, where, and what server they are on. Choose a penguin or the Pin Tracker to get started...:

NEW--Pin Tracker

NEW--DJ Cadence
NEW--CeCe Jones
NEW--Rocky Blue
Aunt Arctic
Penguin Band
Captain Rockhopper
Gary the Gadget Guy


Puffle Handler
Jet Pack Guy
and more...

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