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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Tips on Finding the Penguin Band Members

Hello Penguins!
The Penguin Band is Club Penguin’s official band. It is made up of four penguins, G Billy, Petey K, Stompin’ Bob, and Franky.
1. The Penguin Band is usually found only in exclusive, member rooms. Although, that is not always the case. So check those rooms first, then maybe the Town, Dock, Iceberg and the Pizza Parlour. The Penguin Band members LOVE pizza!
2. The Penguin Band goes on the most popular servers on Club Penguin, especially during peak hours of the day. Some of Penguin Band’s favorite servers are Mammoth, Frozen, Blizzard, Abominable, Fjord, and Sleet. So I suggest you check these servers first.
3. Since the Penguin Band is always crowded, it can get difficult to make sure they are here. In this case, use the users in room list in the bottom right of your toolbar. The list is alphabetised. Scroll down and look for the username Stompin’ Bob, Franky, etc.
4. If a room is full, keep trying to get in. It’s better if you do, although I can’t guarantee they will be in there or not. Have a look at what penguins around you are saying, but of course be wary still.
5. The Penguin Band can go on more than one server at a time, BUT THIS IS QUITE RARE! 
I hope these tips help you and remember if we all work together we can find them! Leave a comment if you find any of the members so we can do it! Waddle On!

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