Android Club Penguin Apps

Hello Mobile Penguins!

In this section you will find some cool CP apps and applications for your Android SmartPhone!

To Download any of the apps follow our step by step instructions:

1. Go into your Android Settings and make sure to Allow Download of Non-Market Apps.
Now you can either download using a link or scan a barcode.

2. Download a Barcode Scanning App such as ZXing's QR Code Scanner.
3. Scan the QR Code of the App for Android...

Download Link:

2. Open up this page on your Android device.
3. Click on the Download link of the App you want to download...

Club Penguin Apps for Android:

Here are the CP apps you can download so far. Also CTG stands for CPTipsGuide and will have an app Version Number after it. More COMING SOON

Android Apps for Club Penguin: Poke the Penguin logoClub Penguin Android App: Poke the Penguin CTG 0.5

In this fun game you can poke our friend Rookie to hear cool sayings and music. Keep on Poking and Visiting CPTipsGuide!

Click this to Download: Poke the Penguin Club Penguin Android App

QR Code (Scan to Download): 
QR Code for Poke the Penguin Game CP
QR Code for Poke the Penguin Game CP


Waddle on Mobile Penguins!

Rishab23 Signing Out...
Club Penguin Riishab23 Signing Out

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