Friday, August 31, 2012

How To Get Rockhoppers Friendship Braclet

Hello Penguins!

To get the Rockhopper Friendship Bracelet you need to do the following:
1. Log on to CP and Go tothe Book Room. If you do not know how to log on to CP read my Getting Started with Club Penguin Guide.
Going to the Book Room From Coffee Shop
Going to the Book Room From Coffee Shop

2. Click on either the BookShelf, or the small red book in the bottom right corner
Choose either the BookShelf or the Red Book Captain's Quarters Key
Choose either the BookShelf or the Red Book

3. Choose the Book called: RockHopper and The Stowaway.

4. Go to the very last page and click on the Friendship Braclet.

5. You now have the Friendship Braclet!
You can wear this as a item on your hand it will look very cool!
Make sure to follow and comment.
Morpherwiz and Rishab23 Waddling Away!

Club Penguin Blog New Update

Hello Penguins!

Next week Club Penguin will be giving their blog a really cool look! They are upgrading their blog system to make it run faster and smoother. One of the big reasons I'm excited about it is that you'll be able to reply to comments from other players!

Here's a sneak peek of what it will look like:

funStuffSneakPeek.jpgAs part of this update, they will need to turn off comments. But next week they will be up again.


New Song Anchors Aweigh By The Penguin Band On Club Penguin

Hello Penguins,
The Penguin Band made a new song called Anchors Aweigh for RockHopper! Here is the Music Video on this song:

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Coffee Shop New Look Club Penguin

Hello Penguins!

Club Penguin is changing the Coffee Shop for a cool new design and Smoothie Smash will also soon be coming to the Coffee Shop.

Coffee Shop Smoothie Smash Cheats New Look
New Coffee Shop Design August 30th
Here's a sneak peek of the new design:

A few of the Club Penguin Staff Members are going to celebrate the new design by logging on this Thursday, August 30th at 12:30pm Penguin Standard Time. We'd love to have some of you online with us at CPTipsGuide! Wear a coffee apron and join us on the Snow Day server to celebrate the grand opening of the new Coffee Shop! Also, the game Smoothie Smash will be here. You can visit our post on Smoothie Smash Cheats and Sneak Peeks...

Waddle on CP Fans! Be sure to check out our new section on Android Apps and download our news game...


Friday, August 24, 2012

EPF Message - Rookie

Hello EPF Penguins!

Rookie has released a new EPF Message. Want to meet Rookie or become an EPF Agent. Read my posts on Rookie Tracker and Tips in Trackers and How to Become an EPF Agent in Guides.

Rookie: August 23rd, 2012
Oh man! MORE strange stuff is happening! Giant volcano thing! Apples! Pineapples! Watermelon! Help!

Rookie EPF Message: Oh man! MORE strange stuff is happening! Giant volcano thing! Apples! Pineapples! Watermelon! Help!
Rookie EPF Message
 That's all for now EPF Agents. Make sure to Follow and earn you rmedals in EPF and in our HALL OF FAME!

Rishab23 and Morpherwiz-Waddling Away

Club Penguin: Rishab23
Club Penguin: Rishab23

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Adventure Party Cheats on CP

Hello Penguins!

The Adventure Party on Club Penguin (CP) has started on August 23rd, 2012 and will end on September 4th, 2012! In reality it has started on the August 22nd! This is one of the many great things of CPTipsGuide. We know these kind of cheats and will keep you up to date before the others! The Adventure Party happens every year and Captain Rockhopper is always sure to make an appearance. For more information visit my post on The Adventure Party: Rockhopper is Coming

Adventure Party is Being Updated on CP
Adventure Party 2012 is Being Updated on CP

The first cheat is that now you can throw fruits instead of snowballs! To throw snowballs faster visit my post in Glitches and Extras...

Adventure Party 2012: Throwing Fruit on CP
Adventure Party 2012: Throwing Fruit on CP

There are three free items that are easily accessible: The Pineapple Headband, Watermelon Headband, and Apple Headband
Here is a guide on how to get the three headbands:

Pineapple Headband: Go to the bottom of the COVE.

Adventure Party 2012 Cheats: Pineapple Headband
Adventure Party 2012 Cheats: Pineapple Headband

Apple Headband: Go to the Upper Right part of the FOREST.

Adventure Party 2012 Cheats: Apple Headband
Adventure Party 2012 Cheats: Apple Headband

Watermelon Headband: Go to the Upper Right corner of the DOCK.

Adventure Party 2012 Cheats: Watermelon Headband
Adventure Party 2012 Cheats: Watermelon Headband

Adventure Party 2012 Cheats: Go in the Red, Green, or Yellow Door.
Adventure Party 2012 Cheats: Go in the Red, Green, or Yellow Door.

We now know what CP was talking about for the Adventure Party Food Fight. If you go on the Volcano (You can get here from the Snow Forts which is now the Temple of Fruit) and choose a side, Yellow-Pineapples, Green-Watermelons, or Red-Apples. You will face the other sides in a food fight! Your goal is to throw 15 fruits of your kind into the Volcano before the other teams do the same thing. You will get an Apple, Banana, or Watermelon background (called the Kahunas) depending on what side you chose.
the Question Mark gives you instructions and if you earn all three backgrounds you will get unlock the grape cage and get the Grape Suit.

Adventure Party 2012 Cheats: Food Fight!
Adventure Party 2012 Cheats: Food Fight!

CP has also put a new field op and pin for the Adventure Party which you can get by going to my Pin Tracker and Field Op Tracker in my News and Updates Section. In the Stone Catalog in the Gift Shop, we have found a cheat to get the Apple Tiki Paint. All you have to do is hover over the top of the Volcano Suit until you see gold sparkles. Click it and you will get the Apple Tiki Paint!

Now on Captain Rockhopper's ship in the Rockhopper's Rare Items you can get a free grape item! Are you trying to get into the Captain's Quarters, you need the Captain's Quarters Key. You can read my post on How to Get the Captain's Quarters Key.
Normally to go to the Hidden Lake you go go to the boulder at the forest but now you click on the whirlpool next to the beach ball to be teleported to the Hidden Lake.

Adventure Party 2012 Cheats: Hidden Lake Whirlpool
Adventure Party 2012 Cheats: Hidden Lake Whirlpool

That's All for now penguins! We will keep you posted on any new updates for the Adventure Party. Remember to visit CPTipsGuide for the latest information on Club Penguin. Remember to Follow and Donate and you can be in the HALL OF FAME!!

Rishab23 and Morpherwiz Waddling Away

Club Penguin CPTipsGuide Rishab23 and Morpherwiz
Club Penguin CPTipsGuide

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

How to Get the Captain's Quarters Key on CP

Hello Penguins!

To get into Rockhopper's Quarters you need the Captain's Quarters Key. The key is also a pin that you can put on your player card. Some of you have been wondering how to get the Captain's Quarters Key on Club Penguin. Here is a step by step guide on how to do so.

1. Log on to CP and Got ot the Book Room. If you do not know how to log on to CP read my Getting Started with Club Penguin Guide.
Going to the Book Room From Coffee Shop
Going to the Book Room From Coffee Shop

2. Click on either the BookShelf, or the small red book in the bottom right corner
Choose either the BookShelf or the Red Book Captain's Quarters Key
Choose either the BookShelf or the Red Book

3. Choose the Book called: "The Journal of Captain Rockhopper"
Click on The Journal of Captain Rockhopper to get the Captain's Quarters Key
Click on The Journal of Captain Rockhopper

4. Go to the very last page and click on the Captain's Quarters key.

The Captain's Quarters Key is on the Last Page
The Captain's Quarters Key is on the Last Page
5. You now have the Captain's Quarters Key!
The Captain's Quarters Key is a Pin as well as an actual key!
The Key is a Pin as well as an actual key!
You can use this key whenever Rockhopper's on the island to access his Quarter's and play the Treasure Hunt Game. For Cheats on the Treasure Hunt Game view my post. Also, you can see my Rockhopper Tracker and Tips for info on how to find Rockhopper. Another cool thing you can get is the Rockhopper's Friendship Bracelet. That's all for now penguins! Make sure to Follow CPTipsGuide to get an email on the latest info!

Morpherwiz and Rishab23 Waddling Away!

RockHopper's Latest Adventure

Hello Penguins!

CP has released a new video on Rockhopper's latest adventure on where all of the fruit is coming from on CLub Penguin. Here is the video for Rockhopper's Adventure. Also, Rockhopper is coming to the Adventure Party. For more information on that visit my post on The Adventure Party: Rockhopper is Coming!

CP has also told all penguins to join them on the server Big Surf on Friday, August 24th at:

4pm Australian Eastern Standard Time
4pm British Summer Time
4pm Pacific Daylight Time

Be sure to come and as always cptipsguide will be providing the latest info on what's happening.

Rishab23 and Morpherwiz signing out!

CP Book: The Epic Official Guide to Club Penguin

CP Book: The Ultimate Official Guide to Club Penguin
CP Book: The Ultimate Official Guide to Club Penguin

Hello Penguins!

This week CP has released a new book in the Official Guide series called The Epic Official Guide to Club Penguin. It'll be available in stores across the USA and Canada starting this August 16. So make sure you check it out!

The CP books always come with a special item you can unlock online, and with this Epic Official Guide, you'll unlock a rare item: the Expedition Backpack! We here at CPTipsGuide will definitely bring you cheats fo this book in our Book Codes Section so keep checking in for the latest info!

Waddle On Penguin Readers and remember to follow!


Morpherwiz, Signing Out!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

CP Game: Smoothie Smash

Hello Penguins!

Smoothie Smash on CP News Article
Smoothie Smash on CP News Article

Club Penguin is releasing a new game called Smoothie Smash!! Smoothie Smash is coming out in the Coffee Shop August 30, 2012. This sure to be fun gmae involves smashing fruit, with your bottom!! If you don't smash the fruit on the conveyer belt, it will bounce off it. What to do with the smashed fruit? Make smoothies of course! This game is based of the fruit theme of the Adventure Party. For more information you can also check out my post on The Adventure Party with Rockhopper and more! The game is supposed to be very high-paced and it is sure to be fun and have some cool secrets.

CP Game Smoothie Smash Sneak Peek
CP Game Smoothie Smash Sneak Peek

Also this week in the newspaper, The "Ask Aunt Arctic" has been replaced with the "Ask Captain Rockhopper"! If you hover over him he will wave! Remember Penguins keep checking CP Tips Guide for the latest news and cheats. We will always keep you up to date on the latest for Smoothie Smash and, when it comes out, CHEATS! To keep getting the latest info, please follow my blog on the bottom of this page~

Rishab23 and Morpherwiz Waddling Away-
Rishab23 & Morpherwiz Waving and Waddling Away
Rishab23 and Morpherwiz Waddling Away

EPF Message Gary the Gadget Guy - G

Hello EPF Penguins,

Gary the Gadget Guy (Codename "G") has put up a response for JetPack Guy's Message. Gary sent this on August 16th 2012. Here is the message:

G August 16th 2012
I spoke with Rockhopper - he's bringing an unusual totem with him that might be responsible for the strange energy readings. Agents, remain on standby.

G's Message says: I spoke with Rockhopper - he's bringing an unusual totem with him that might be responsible for the strange energy readings. Agents, remain on standby.
Gary's EPF Message
This was a response to JetPack Guy's Message. To view it visit my post called JetPack Guy's EPF Message

That's all for now EPF Agents. Keep the island safe. To learn how to complete the latest field ops, visit my Field Ops and Missions Section.

Rishab23 Waddling out...

EPF Message Jet Pack Guy

Hey EPF Penguins!

On August 9th 2012 JetPack Guy put a new messgae for EPF Agents. Here is the Message:

JetPack Guy August 9th.
Whoa! Hey everyone, sensors just started picking up some weird energy readings. Is there another Meteor or something nearby?

Let's see what happens now... Gary replied to this. To view it, go to my post on Gary's EPF Message.

That's all for now.

Rishab23 Waddling Out...

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Adventure Party August 2012: Rockhopper is Coming

Hi Penguins,

I wanted to let you know that Rockhopper is going to be coming for the Adventure Party! Or should I say "Arrgh! Rockhopper be comin'!" Captain Rockhopper always makes an appearence for the Adventure Party and he always brings items, some for all and some need a membership, and a cool treasure hunt game.
He is coming on the 23rd of August 2012 (which is when the Adventure Party starts). Because of the fruit theme this year he is bringing lots of fruits for all to enjoy!!

To play Treasure Hunt or do some other cool things, you need to be able to go into the Captain's Quarters but for this you need the key. If you haven't already gotten the key, here is my post on How To Get the Captain's Quarters Key. Also in the book room you can Get the RockHopper Friendhip Bracelet. For a guide read my post from my Get the RockHopper Friendhip Bracelet post. For help with the Treasure Hunt game, go in my Game Cheats and choose Treasure Hunt.

Aslo, CP has released a new sneak peek on a room on the Adventure Party as well as a new game called Smoothie Smash. You can read my post all about the Coming Soon Game: Smoothie Smash! Here is the image on the latest Temple of Fruit Sketch:

CP New Temple of Fruit Room. Something to do with a Food Fight
New Temple of Fruit Room. CP Tips Guide has uncovered that it has something to do with a Food Fight... Stay tuned in.
The tech experts here at CP Tips Guide have uncovered that this room will have something to do with a Food Fight. Probably an actual FRUIT Fight! More info coming soon... CP has released a funny video about Rockhopper's brave battle against a Giant Squid! Here is the video about Rockhopper vs. the Giant Squid!

I can't wait to see Rockhopper and I know he will bring cool surprises. We here at CP Tips Guide will keep you posted if Rockhopper comes on the island. You can check our Captain Rockhopper Tracker and Tips.

Arrgh me mateys! Have a great time at ye olde Adventure Party.

Rishab23 and Morpherwiz Signing out...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Astro Barrier: Coin Cheats

Hello Penguins!

Astro Barrier CP
Astro Barrier on CP
Astro barrier, a CP mini game can be found in the Dance Lounge in the night club. You can get here by going upstairs while on the dance floor or using your spy phone to teleport. Don't know what a spy phone is, go to my post about how to become an EPF Agent. Here are some cool cheats to get more coins and pass some tricky levels on Astro barrier.

Skipping Levels:

On Astro barrier it is actually possible to skip levels right up to 30! On the main screen of the game, just hit 1, 2, or 3 on your keyboard. You will skip to level 10, 20 and 30! Sadly, only member penguins can go to the levels above 5! :(

Bonus Levels:

In the game when you reach to level 10 (either by actually getting there or skipping to it), instead of pressing next wait about 25 seconds and a blue ship will appear. Hit it and you will be able to go to bonus levels!

Wait for it...

Remember when you shoot your bullets that it will also take the bullets some time to get to your target so shoot your bullets a bit earlier so if your target moves, you won't miss it!

That's all for now. I hope these cheats help you and remember to stay tuned in to for the latest cheats!

Rishab23 and Morpherwiz-

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Ice Fishing: Coin Cheats

Hello Penguins!

Is the tricky mullet keeping you from getting a great score? Not to fear! Here are some tips and cheats on how to get more coins on Ice Fishing. To get to Ice Fishing first go to the Ski Village and go to the Ski Lodge. Now press the board stating "Gone Fishin' ". This will take you to the game. The point of the game is to catch as many fish as possible before the game ends. You lower your worm and pull up the fish to do this. If your line touches a jellyfish, a crab touches it, or a shark eats it, you will have to pull up and put another worm. Each yellow fish, called Fluffy gives you 4 coins so you can figure out your high-score. The legendary mullet gives you a bonus 100 coins! Here are some awesome cheats and secrets to get a lot more coins:

Look OUT! Obstacles...

There are many different obstacles in Ice Fishing that can make you lose your fish or lose your worm!
Barrels and Boots: Can make you lose your fish
      For these you just have to pull up or put your line down to avoid these obstacles

Jellyfish, Sharks and Crabs: Can make you lose your worm
      For Jellyfish you just need to pull your line above the jellyfish or completely out of the water
      For Sharks
      For Crabs they will slowly inch towards your line so don't worry until their claw is just around your line. Then they will quickly snap it!

You will start with 3 worms at the beginning but don't despair, if you see a floating "Can O' Worms" get it and you will get one worm back.

The Mullet!

Legend tells of a fish so big and very red... Well this legend is true! The big red fish comes at the end of the game Ice Fishing and you can also see it just outside of the game hanging on the wall. This fish is so big it can not be caught with a simple worm, it requires a fish! At the end of the game you will start to see the Mullet lurking in the shadows. After this three fish will come. You can reel up the first two, but keep the third one hanging on your rod and wait... The Mullet will slowly come towards it and eventually eat it! You will reel it in for a bonus 100 coins!!

Member Fishing Rod

If you buy the special Member Fishing Rod, you can use it in your game! You will find it right outside of the game if you click on the blue paper. This will allow you to get gray fish! These fish are each worth 8 coins. The pole only costs 200 coins.

HighScore: 376 coins!!


How To do Mission 3: The Case of the Missing Coins on Club Penguin

Hello Penguins!

This post is on how to complete Mission 3: The Case of the Missing Coins for EPF Agents. This mission can be tricky but don't worry, the CP Tips Guides have detailed step by step instructions how how to complete the mission. So, let's get started!

1. Go to the EPF Command Room using your spy phone or go to the Everyday Phoning Facility and then go into the Tube Transport.
2. Click on the Top Secret Button in the button right corner or press PSA Missions
3. Choose "The Case of The Missing Coins" out of the options. It will then brief you. Choose Launch mission.

4. Click on the new agent. His name is Rookie! Rookie will talk to you about the mission. Ask him if he saw anything unsual and if the door was tampered with. He will then close the door and be unable to open it!

5. Go into the Office. It will be on the right of the vault.

6. Continue to turn right when you are in the office. Eventually you will see an old couch. Click underneath it.

7. Pick up the paper clip and boot disk. Leave the couch area.

8. When you come back up, turn left and you will see a computer. Click on it.

9. Take the boot disk out of your inventory and put it in the slot on the computer. It should say "Loading..."

10. Click on My Files and then Combination Number. The Combo changes so I can't tell you what it is
:( Go downstairs and enter the code on the door. The N number goes on top (North). E goes on right. S on the bottom. W on the left. Now press "CONFIRM".

11. If you do it correctly it will open! You should take a look inside. You will see the coins on the ceiling! Click on them!

12. Talk with Rookie. Your phone will start to ring. G says to meet him at the HQ. To do this click on your spy phone and press "Visit HQ".

13. Talk with G and he will show you the video. Click on the screen which shows coins on it. Now talk to G and ask for help with the "new perspective". He will tell you about the rooftop but make sure to ask if there is anything else you should now. He says it's locked! Click on the drawer.

14. You can decode all of them if you want to, but it will always be the yellow key. Pick it up and put it in your inventory.

15. Teleport back to the Gift Shop and turn right until you reach the Office. Go in...

16. Take the key out of your inventory and click on the RoofTop door. Once it is unlocked, you can put the key back in the inventory.

17. Go to the Roof. You should see a taft of fur in the grate. Put it in your inventory. You will need it later.

18. Click on your spy phone from your inventory. Click on tools and choose the wrench. Now click on the "Powa Box". It will unscrew the bolts!

19. Put the wrench back in the spy phone and take your paper clip out.

20. Click on the circuitry in the Powa Box. The paper clip will destroy the box! Go downstairs to the Office and then go down to the Vault. Go inside and click on the coins. Rookie will pop out! Talk to him and he will say to go to G.

21. These next steps are optional but you will get a cool award! Go to the town and you will see a crying penguin. Click on him. You should help him. Go to HQ and swivel right until you see a weird flashlight thing. Put it in your inventory.

22. Teleport to the Boiler Room and Click your flashlight. Turn left until you see the Fuse Box. Click on it. You will now be launched into a minigame. Your goal is to change the colors until they are all green. Check on the instructions for more info. Sadly the pattern changes everytime so I can't give you a step by step guide :( If you get stuck just try clicking on some red buttons until it clears up. Eventually you will do it! I know you can agent!!

23. The power should come on. Head to the night club. Talk to the brown penguin and he will be happy.

24. Go to G using your phone. Talk to him and tell him about what you discovered. Then give him the fibers by taking them out of your inventory and clicking G. Another successful job!

25. Great Job Agent! You will get a medal and, if you did steps 21-23, a card. Until next time Agent!

If you need help with any of the other missions or field ops just visit How to do Field Ops and Missions. Waddle on Agents!
